Florida Chiropractic Blog

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What Your Chiropractor Wants You To Do During Treatment

on Oct 22, 2019 11:00:00 AM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 0 Comments | chiropractic care
Although chiropractic care is useful for treating a variety of symptoms, most people visit to get their back pain taken care of. Check out a related blog: Will my chiropractor prescribe medication? So, chiropractors remain most well-known for their treatment of back pain. And, for good reason, because it has been proven over and over again that back pain can be effectively treated and prevented with regular chiropractic care. Every year, nearly 18 million people seek out chiropractic care to treat their back pain every day. Chiropractic care is a team effort between you and your chiropractor. Knowing what to expect during your first chiropractic visit as well as ongoing treatment can help in the process. Your chiropractor will take care of you while you're in their office, but they will also give you instructions on what you should do on your own, such as diet and exercise. There are many other things you should do, and other things you should avoid, while your chiropractor is treating your back pain. In the article below, we go over a list of some of the things, when done right, can help expedite your recovery process.
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Six Car Accident Myths People Still Think Are True

on Oct 17, 2019 3:00:00 PM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 0 Comments | car accident
If you watch the evening news or spend any time on the road, you know how common car accidents have become. Vehicles of all shapes and sizes get into accidents for a variety of reasons, and no one ever thinks it is their fault. Check out this link about 5 ways to avoid a car accident injury in Florida. The first step to staying safe on the road is to put down your phone, your makeup, your lunch, or whatever distraction you have in your car, and focus on the road. Just being aware of your surroundings puts you ahead of the game. The next best thing you can do is to be aware of the myths surrounding car accidents and to know when you hear something that isn't true. This will help you avoid accidents, and it will help you cope with an accident after it's happened. You will hear a lot of things that you should do before and after car accidents. Some of them are true, and some of them not so much. Knowing the difference between reality and myth is critical. In the article below, we will discuss six myths about car accidents that people still believe are true.
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How To Become A Chiropractor

on Oct 15, 2019 12:23:00 PM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 0 Comments | chiropractic care
Even with the recent rise in popularity, very little is known about chiropractic treatments.
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If I see a Chiropractor will they Prescribe Medication?

on Oct 9, 2019 9:36:00 AM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 0 Comments | chiropractic care
Do Chiropractors Prescribe Medication? If you are suffering from chronic pain, or were involved in a Car Accident, seeking the help of an experienced Chiropractor is important for your recovery. Now you may be wondering, if I see a chiropractor will he prescribe medication?
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What Is The Relationship Between Back Pain And Disuse Syndrome?

on Oct 8, 2019 11:10:00 AM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 2 Comments | back pain
We spend a lot of time sitting. In our cars, at our desks, at the dinner table, and on our couch. If you have a desk job, you're sitting for nearly eight hours every day, about 40 hours a week. Then you get home, sit at the dinner table, and then finally collapse on the couch. That's a lot of time spent sitting around. And, it's becoming more and more evident that it's not very good for us. It can cause or aid in the development of several diseases, including obesity and diabetes, and it can cause or exacerbate back pain. The term given to this level of inactivity is "Disuse Syndrome." In the article below, we'll take a look at the relationship between disuse syndrome and back pain.
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Chiropractic Care for Sports Injuries

on Oct 4, 2019 2:04:00 PM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 0 Comments |
Chiropractic Care for Sports Injuries Exercising and living an active lifestyle is essential for overall health, and for many people, it's important for mental health as well. People of all ages engage in various sports-related activities throughout the year. Whether it's a child paying t-ball for the first time, a teenager playing football on the high school team, or a middle-aged parent running in the morning and joining a golf league on the weekends, sports can be integrated into various areas of our lives.
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How To Create A Spine Friendly Work Space

on Sep 30, 2019 11:48:53 AM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 1 Comment | back pain
When we think of the things that could potentially threaten our lives, we rarely think of our desk chair. However, according to many researchers, your desk chair is actually one of the biggest potential threats to your health. Research has shown that you can reduce your chances of cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and back pain, all with one very simple lifestyle change: sit less. Okay, maybe it's not so simple. Many people spend an enormous amount of time sitting at a desk all day. According to the CDC, one in four adults in the United States sits for more than eight hours every day, and most of that is due to their job. So what do you do if you have to sit at your desk for your job? You obviously can't just up and quit. In the article below, we will go over some tips so you can improve your workspace and promote a healthier spine.
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5 Easy Steps you can Take to Prevent a Car Accident

on Sep 24, 2019 9:52:00 AM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 1 Comment | car accident
Tips to Prevent a Car Accident Anytime we get behind the wheel of a vehicle, it's our responsibility to protect not only ourselves, but other motorists as well, by following traffic laws and doing what we can to prevent a car accident from happening.
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Ten Simple Exercises To Strengthen Your Back And Relieve Your Pain

on Sep 23, 2019 11:58:00 AM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 2 Comments | back pain
Image Credit PTPioneer We've all had back pain. If you've been on this earth long enough, all of us will experience that familiar nagging twinge at some point. It's painful, uncomfortable, frustrating, and can be downright miserable, but it's become a part of life. There are only a few things we can do when it happens. Take medicine to ease the pain, visit a chiropractor, and wait. A chiropractor is a fantastic resource to take advantage of when it comes to all kinds of back pain. They will treat not only your back pain, but they'll treat your entire body. But what can we do between trips to the chiropractor? Is there anything we can do to keep back pain from occurring besides crossing our fingers and hoping for the best? As it turns out, there is. Stretching and the correct exercises will go a long way to strengthen our back, ease our pain, and prevent injuries from reoccurring. For more information about back pain, read the blog on things you should know about back pain. Below is a list of stretches and exercises you can do at home to improve the overall health of your back.
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How Obesity and Back Pain Are Related

on Sep 18, 2019 4:35:50 PM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 0 Comments | back pain
If you ask 100 people if they think obesity can cause back pain, at least 90 of them are going to say yes. And they'd be right, right? It seems reasonable to suggest that obesity places undue stress on the pelvis, back, and spine, which would trigger the development of chronic back pain. However, the association between the two has long been a point of contention between researchers. You have one group of researchers who believe the cause-and-effect is clearly established. The excess weight pushes the pelvis forward and thereby strains the lower back. Then there's another group of researchers who believe that body mechanics alone is a far too simple explanation for a condition that varies significantly from one person to the next. Even people of similar age, body type, and experience will see varying differences in their back pain or lack thereof. In the article below, we will explain both groups stances, and find out of obesity and back pain are related, or if it's more complicated than that.
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