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Chiropractic Care for Sports Injuries

Posted by Florida Spine and Injury | Oct 4, 2019 2:04:00 PM

Chiropractic Care for Sports Injuries 

Exercising and living an active lifestyle is essential for overall health, and for many people, it's important for mental health as well.

People of all ages engage in various sports-related activities throughout the year.

Whether it's a child paying t-ball for the first time, a teenager playing football on the high school team, or a middle-aged parent running in the morning and joining a golf league on the weekends, sports can be integrated into various areas of our lives. 

Regardless of our age, gender, or the sport we are involved in,  injuries can occur to anyone, even the most seasoned athletes. Due to this, there are many reasons athletes should get chiropractic care.

Some injuries can cause very severe and require extensive treatment to return to normal activity level. Unfortunately, there are often many injuries that can occur playing the sport that we love. Some common sports- related injuries that will benefit from being treated by a Chiropractor include the following. 

Chiropractic Care for Sports Injury


Table of Contents:


How your Chiropractor can Help Sports Injuries

Neck Injuries 

Neck injuries, such as whiplash, are very common among people who are involved in "contact" sports, like football or hockey. 

Whiplash injuries occur when the neck is suddenly and forcefully whipped forward and backward, which is why many football or hockey players will suffer from this type of injury at some point in their careers. 

The pain and discomfort that can occur from a whiplash injury is not something that will often go away on its own.

Whiplash is actually an injury that you may not know you have for several hours or even days after the event or accident occurs. Unfortunately, it is also one of those injuries that can become progressively worse, especially if treatment is delayed. 

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Chiropractic Appointment for Sports Injury Treatment

Sprains and Strains

Sprains and strains are one of the most common sports-related injuries and can occur while playing nearly any sport.

Sprains refer  to the tearing of a ligament, and in sports-related accidents, sprains most often occur to the ankles and wrists. 

It doesn't take much to cause a sprain, one wrong step, and a twist of the ankle can leave someone in a pretty bad state. 

Strains, on the other hand, are a tearing of the tendons or muscles, and they can happen in the same fashion as a sprain. 

Both Sprains and Strains can cause significant pain and discomfort and they often require some type of physical therapy to help regain proper motion and range of movement. 

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Sports Chiropractic Care


Tendonitis is one of the more common sports-related injuries because it often occurs as the result of an overuse or repetitive use injury. 

When someone is involved in a sport, they often play or train for their sport regularly. Because of this, it often leads to the overuse of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 

Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon, and it can lead to swelling and pain in the injured area.

Tendonitis can rapidly become worse if treatment is not received, and the muscles, tendons, and ligaments continue to be overused. 

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How a Chiropractor can Help with Sports Injuries 

When it comes to sports injuries, Chiropractors are specially trained to assess, diagnose, and manage these injuries as a part of their core competencies as a Chiropractic Doctor. 

Chiropractors assess current and past medical history, conduct an in-depth physical exam that includes x-ray testing and provides patients with a unique treatment plan that is targeted to their specific recovery needs based upon their medical history and exam findings. 

Chiropractors are trained to determine the root cause of a patient's pain and dysfunction. They are not in the business of masking pain symptoms with pain medications.

Chiropractors use spinal manipulation and adjustments to re-align the spine and help restore the body to its natural function. 

Depending upon the nature of the injury, soft tissue therapies, rehabilitation, specific exercises, and lifestyle advice may be given to help the patient progress with their treatment. 

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Contact the Chiropractors at Florida Spine and Injury for Sports Injury Treatment 

If you were injured in a Sports Accident, you might need to seek the help of an experienced Chiropractor if you want to attain optimal recovery and return to the sport you love. 

At Florida Spine and Injury, we have a team of highly experienced Chiropractors who work with sports injury victims every day. 

Sports Injury Doctor

Our doctors will perform a thorough exam to help determine the source and cause of your pain so that we can provide you with a treatment option that is tailored to your recovery needs.

It's our goal to get you back to your normal lifestyle as quickly as possible. 

We understand that sports are very important in some people's lives, and when you cannot do the sport that you love, it can add a lot of unwanted stress and anxiety to your life.

Let us help relieve that stress but helping you return to the sport that you love. 

Click the link below to schedule a free consultation with our experienced Sports Injury Chiropractors if you were hurt in a Sports-Related Accident in Florida.  

Free Chiropractic Consultation


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