Florida Chiropractic Blog

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The fallacy behind helmet protection against concussions and the CDC's misguided perspective.

on Jan 15, 2024 11:52:01 AM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 0 Comments | athlete TBI
You have likely dealt with a case before where a motorcyclist, skateboarder, or bicyclist was subjected to a comparative negligence defense by an insurance company because they were not wearing a helmet and sustained a TBI.
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Doctors' Handwriting Kills 7,000 People Each Year & The Impacts TBI

on Jan 10, 2024 3:36:17 PM By | Florida Spine and Injury | 0 Comments | Legal TBI
Did you know that an estimated 7,000 people are killed each year and 1.5 million injured due to illegible handwriting in medical charts and prescriptions? Thankfully, the utilization of electronic health records and e-prescribing is decreasing this number, but did you ever stop and wonder why doctors have such poor handwriting?
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