(352) 433-0898


A Team of Integrated Medical Professionals

Our multidisciplinary team at Florida Spine and Injury and Ethos Health Group includes 6 board-certified neurologists, a medical physician, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, and many other highly skilled professionals.
Free CLE Webinars

Florida Bar Approved CLE Webinars on the Most Important Topics in Personal Injury

Dr. Jonathan Walker has a passion for teaching, and in his CLE presentations you'll learn about the latest imaging techniques for traumatic brain injury, MRI studies that show "soft tissue injury" in the cervical spine, how disc injuries can be completely missed on diagnostic studies, and much more. 

Research Updates

Stay Current With The Latest Trauma Science

The science of personal injury is constantly changing and evolving, and staying on top of it can be challenging.

Dr. Walker brings you key research in areas like spinal biomechanics, traumatic brain injury, imaging techniques, ligament trauma, and more.